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How do you make youtube videos louder

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BeBe Proud & CeCe Proud (both voiced by Tara Strong ) are Penny's troublemaking baby fraternal twin siblings.Dijonay's name is a pun on the name of Best Foods'/Hellmann's Dijonnaise, and she has nine younger siblings, all named after spices, seasonings and condiments. In "Adventures in BeBe-Sitting", Penny gets fed up with Dijonay mistreating her, and completely loses her trust in her, though they still remain friends. She also loves to gossip and has gotten Penny in trouble many times. Dijonay Jones (voiced by Karen Malina White ) is Penny's selfish and untrustworthy yet enthusiastic and caring best friend.She saves the world and makes up with him, and he finally realizes she is her own person who can make her own decisions.

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In The Proud Family Movie, Penny turns 16, and she begins to want independence, but her father has issues letting her go. Penny is also good at writing and reciting poetry, and becomes jealous when her friend Dijonay becomes just as good as her. At one point, she tried out for cheerleading, but due to having an accident with the stage being converted into a giant CD, LaCienega got the last spot on the squad. Penny is a straight 'A' student, and is part of the school newspaper staff. She is a talented singer, as shown when she becomes a solo singer for Wizard Kelly Productions, but quits after missing her old life. She always listens to and respects her parents, but often caves in to peer pressure. She enjoys hanging out with her friends, even though they have gotten her into trouble, and left her to face danger by herself many times. Penny Proud (voiced by Kyla Pratt ) is the main protagonist of the series, a 14-year-old girl who is usually embarrassed by her father, Oscar.The main characters of The Proud Family (from left to right): Penny Proud, Suga Mama Proud, Puff the Dog, Trudy Proud, Oscar Proud, and BeBe and CeCe Proud (below)

How do you make youtube videos louder