On the device, run the following CLI commands: You must first enable the management tunnel on your device before you can see any management functions. A user with a prof_admin profile is allowed to remotely access a virtual domain (VDOM)-enabled device only if the user profile has access to the management VDOM. A login page pops up for the user to enter the local username and password.Otherwise, enter the correct value in the popup to remotely access the FortiGate from FortiGate Cloud. If the port value in the popup is correct, click OK to remotely access the FortiGate. The popup is prepopulated with the default value of 443 or the last updated port number from the device. FortiGate Cloud displays a popup where you can provide the FortiGate web GUI port.Enter the username and password of a user with super_admin profile.Click the Remote Access icon for the desired device.Remote access is only available for a device that has Management enabled and the management tunnel is up. In 23.3, a FortiGate device without a FortiGate Cloud subscription license that is running FortiOS 7.0 or later will have read-only remote access. The template feature is discontinued, except for accounts that have a paid device license and template already in use. When you access the Management tab for a new or newly factory reset device with no password configured, you must configure the device admin password to access the Management interface. To access the Management tab, select the desired device in Network Overview, then click Management. On the Management tab, you can remotely manage FortiGate and FortiWiFi devices that are connected to the FortiGate Cloud service.